12 Brown Hair Beard Chibi Boy Emotes / Green Eyes
twitch emotes and panels | qoqsik shop
12 Brown Hair Beard Chibi Boy emotes pack for Twitch, Discord, Youtube.
Emotes: gun, gg, hi, heart, lol, angry, 200iq, yes, no, cry, rip, lost.
This pack includes 12 different emotes.
— 3 main sizes in the pack: 112x112px 56x56px 28x28px;
— Bonus sizes: 300x300, 128x128, 72x72, 36x36, 32x32, 18x18;
— All files are .png with transparent backgrounds.
+ Video guide how to install.
Looks equally good in dark and light themes.
You can find other emote and badges in my store.
Thank you very much for looking at my listing!
- Oksana (twitch.tv/qoqsik) with love ♥️
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